Tax Services in kitchener waterloo

We will analyze your tax liability periodically and build a strategy to minimize how much you pay

The goods and services tax/harmonized sales tax (GST/HST) credit is a tax-free quarterly payment that helps individuals and families with low and modest incomes offset all or part of the GST or HST that they pay. You do not have to register for the GST/HST if your total taxable revenues before expenses are $30,000 or less annually.

Personal income tax is a type of income tax that is levied on an individual’s wages, salaries, and other types of income. Businesses also pay income taxes on their earnings; CRA taxes income from partnerships, self-employed contractors and small businesses.

The money collected from corporate taxes is used as a nation’s source of income. Paying corporate taxes can be more beneficial for business owners than paying additional individual income tax. All current expenses required for the operation of the businessare fully tax deductible. Investments and real estate purchased for the intent of generating income for the business are also deductible.